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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Neighbours From Hell 2 : On Vacation System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-02-26 22:16:07 Views : 25829 Faster Time For a faster time, turn off the trick camera in Options. If you leave the camera on, Woody will pause while the neighbour goes through each trick, thereby losing valuable time he could use to set up other tricks. While it is fun to watch the neighbour get what is coming to him the first couple of times, it can also get a little tedious if you are trying for a better score. Combos Some tricks can only be pulled off as part of a combo, so they rely on another trick happening immediately before hand to work. Some individual tricks can be combined as a double whammy to save time. Some coins can only be earned by combining two other tricks, thereby causing a third trick. Therefore, if you are fairly sure you have used every possible trick but are still short a coin, try combining two tricks. Pulling Off the Tricks Where possible, try to pull off the tricks in one "lap" by the neighbour to maximise his anger level. Don't Get Caught Don't get caught. I know this is simple, and in some places getting caught may speed up the time in which you can complete an episode (though I am yet to discover this). However you will lose 1,000 points each time you get caught so it is not worth it. Items If you can pick up an item two or more times, chances are you will need it twice, either for two different tricks or for one trick that is part of a combo (in which the trick can be pulled alone or with another trick tacked on after it). Similarly, if you use an item and it doesn't disappear from Woody's inventory, you will either need to use it with another object or have the option of using it with the same object later. Let the Woody Finish What He is Doing Be careful not to click elsewhere before Woody has finished using an item. Woody will abort what he is doing if you are too eager with the mouse button. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Neighbours From Hell 2 : On Vacation cheat codes.
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